Eva Klimackova / Company E7KA

“The Perception off” (40’)

  • Concept: Eva Klimackova, Laurent Goldring
  • Dance: Eva Klimackova
  • Poems: Ghérasim Luca
  • Lights: Yann Le Bras
  • Production: cie E7KA
  • Coproduction: Centre Chorégraphique National d’Orléans dans le cadre de «l’accueil studio 2015» Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, DRAC Centre Val de Loire (Aide au projet 2016), International Visegrad Fund
  • With the support of: La Briqueterie – CDC, Ménagerie de verre dans le cadre de StudioLab, SE.S.TA Prague

“The perception off” is a subtle conversation between the dance of Eva Klimackova, the regard of the visual artist Laurent Goldring and two poems of Ghérasim Luca (avant-garde poet of Romanian origin and French expression). During this conversation an enigmatic liaison is created between gestures and words, between concrete and abstract, serious and absurd, between appearance, disappearance and disfigurations. The body abandon itself to the unusual relation with the disturbing and torrid language of Luca; who folds, twists, extends and spirals the sentences trying to resound with the plasticity of words, through a minimalism deepening the poetic image. To feel, to move, to perceive, to say becomes suddenly the operations to discover the infinite strangeness of human being. The deformed and strange beauty of the movement is perfectly resonant with the way that Ghérasim Luca research, sculpt and cut the French language making it other.

Eva Klimackova – a dancer, choreographer and teacher born in Slovakia, studied at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. Afterwards she moved to Paris, where lives since 2001. Eva participated in diverse projects in France (Kubilai Khan Investigations, Laurent Goldring, Faustin Linyekula, co Petite Fabrique...), Belgium (co. Dame de Pic – Karine Ponties, David Hernandez, Lise Duclaux), Slovakia (Anna Sedlackova, Studio tanca, Milan Kozanek, Kata Mojzisova, Marta Polakova...), Czech Republic (co. Dejadonné, co. Duwadance)... Eva teaches regularly in Paris, Brussels, Prague, Bratislava, Brno, Orléans, Grenoble, Limoges, La Rochelle, Poitiers, Tours, and Hanoi. In 2007 she founded the Company E7KA in Paris and created performances: “Alzbeta Hlucha” (2007), “Alzbeta” (2008), “Ivanuska” (2009), “Touch.ed (2011)”, “Move” (2013), “The perception off” (2016), presented in France, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Germany and Hong Kong.